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  • Writer's pictureCinmi

Flamingo Razors Review – Sadly Just Not For Me! (Gifted)

I almost never post about things that do not work out for me simply that I want to be honest but I don’t want to discourage their business. However I always believe that you should try new products with an open-mind. Because something didn’t work for me, it does not mean it will be useless to you too.

Famingo products on bath tray, taken by Cinmi

With that in mind, I thought I’d list out reasons why I gave up on Flamingo after 14 days of trying.

It is worth noting that I already use a razor subscription service that I really like, and have been using for years. So I did have high hopes!

Let’s talk positives first…

The ‘thumb-up’s:

  1. Lightweight handle.

  2. Sleek design.

  3. The shower hook actually works so well and never fell.

  4. Easy to get your hands on: can be purchased online from their stores but I also seen replacement blades from shops before too.

  5. Fast delivery. I ordered some replacement blades as I didn’t want to dismiss it after 3 goes. It arrived within 3 days.

The ‘thumb-down’s:

  1. The shaving foam is just a bit too foamy: I prefer it to be less foamy so you wouldn’t have to wash your razor that often during a shave, plus, you can see what you are actually doing. However it is great that the foam doesn’t clog the blade.

  2. The lubricant strip is just too big: It is what it is. I get that it’s there to protect your skin. But it is a bit in the way when you want to shave small, intimate areas. Plus, it worked great the first time and became a bit too friction-y after each go.

  3. My skin doesn’t like the blade: It felt like it was pulling my skin and every time I used I could feel the blades cutting me once or twice (no bleeding though). They feel shape but blunt at the same time.

  4. The blade could have lasted a bit longer: Whilst you are supposed to change blades once a week, sometimes we forget! Some blades can actually get away with changing if you forgot (it’s not hygienic, but..) but this one, I feel that it needed replacing after shaving my underarms and legs 3 times.

  5. You need to use their foam: I tried to pair it with whipped soap and shave cream from another brand. Just doesn’t seem to want to work with anything else other than its own friend!

Remember, our bodies are different and we all have different preferences. I didn’t like it, doesn’t mean you’d feel the same. May be I am just that picky… Always go in with an open-mind folks. 😊

*Gifted, opinion 100% my own


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