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  • Writer's pictureCinmi

Customisable Shampoo? Function of Beauty Review

Hi Loves,

Today I want to talk about hair care. You will never have guessed I have had bright ginger hair for months as hair bleaching fail. My hair was DAMAGED AF. I am of course still paying the price as I try to cut through the spilt and dry ends. The bleached ends are almost gone as this was in 2015 we are on about. But it is still taking its time to get back to how virgin hair should be like.

I stumbled upon Function of Beauty a while back.

It is as simple as it sounds:

You build your hair profile according to your hair type, structure, and scalp moisture; then you can pick up to 5 hair goals (don't worry if it sounds confusing - a paragraph of description will pop up when you pick a goal); it will then take you to name your formula, you can also pick a colour; then you can pick the smell and strength; and finally your package.

For my first order, I have picked: replenish hair, fix split ends, deep condition, anti-frizz, shine. My scent was medium in hibis(kiss). I chose 16oz for both shampoo and conditioner.

I placed my order in late June and it came in early July. My shipping date was 2-3 days late but I don't blame it, as it came all the way from the US. It is worth noting that you don't need to pay for shipping and tax as a subscriber. It came with Yodel, so you don't have to worry about signing for the parcel.

I was quite happy that it came in a nice neat package that came with pumps, a hair profile leaflet, and some stickers:

My first impression was, it smelled like bubblegum! And as I have been using it for a while, I can tell you medium strength will last for at least a few hours, if not a day, after washing your hair. I do feel like I am going to be adventurous and try new scents with the strongest strength in the future.

And I was impressed with the leaflet, which contains your hair goals, explains what they are, and suggestion on how often should you wash your hair etc.

As for the stickers, I have seen people deocrating their bottles. No thanks. I think they are too cute to be wasted on some bottles. I will take a few more of these and do some intensive diary-making, ta.

Can I also say, LOOK AT THE BOTTLES. Each bottle has an unique cute message to remind you to be yourself:

Now onto the usage. You are supposed to shake the bottles before each use as the ingredients were added per hair goal and could separate themselves while idle. The formula are slightly thicker than over-the-counter shampoo so you will need to add a bit of water. No big deal though.

I have been using these since the first week of July and have just hit the half-way point for my shampoo (and a bit more than half-way for my conditioner) in Mid-Oct. If you have long hair, a shipment every 6 months will be fine!

My Verdicts

I feel like they have spoiled me so good that I can NOT go back. My hair is super soft, I don't need to brush them often, and it has life. I have been to the salon twice and they even asked me what do I use! I do wish I knew 'sooth scalp' was anti-dandruff as I would have chosen that too.

My critic is, when you go amend your formula for the next shipment, your friendly paragraph-long reminders of the hair goals don't exist. So I have to open two tabs: one to update, one to make a new one, to be less confused.

It is expensive, but my package was 16oz x2 for USD49 every 6 months, which works out about a glass of wine or two a month. Honestly if something works, it is worth sacrificing a bit of wine!

I do really wish in the future, they can only up to more than 5 goals. In my opinion, sooth-scalp is a basic need for some!


I do have a $5 off link here if you fancy to try out.

Let me know how you find this if you do decide to give this a go!

Speak soon,

Cinmi xoxo


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