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  • Writer's pictureCinmi

Does It Work? Jolie Beauty - UniGlow Face Oil

Hi loves,

I kept seeing Jolie Beauty's UniGlow on Facebook and so I bought my first bottle on my January pay day. My order was dispatched in 2 days time and arrived 2 days later. I commented on their post on Facebook that I couldn't wait to try it and write about it. I actually am a horrible person who doesn't check her notification much, and only to realise a few ladies have commented on the same post and asked about it - so here it is!

I first drafted this post on 8th March, at least 4 weeks after I started using it. I noticed the drop tool does not pick up product as much as it used, but am still impressed that it lasted till then. I mean, for £16.99, you would want it to, to some extent! Now - don't let the date of drafting make you feel like I am a horrible person who schedules her posts. I always go back and re-edit my draft before sending them out. I am now editing it on 14th April, about a week after I have finished this bottle. So there you go, it lasts 3 months with day and night use.

What is UniGlow?

This is Jolie's facial oil that can be used with foundation to create an airbrush finish, or use during AM/ PM as with your skincare routine. Infused with real 24-k gold, it also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Collagen, rosehip seed oil and hyaluronic acid. In other sense, it is supposed to plump your skin.

It comes in a sleek black packaging, with 30ml in size. Also is equipped with a dropper tool so it wouldn't be messy to grab product.

Smell-wise, doesn't smell of anything in particular. At first I noticed a slight hint of lemon but as time goes, I don't think it smell of anything at all?

You can see tiny little gold flakes from the picture. But no worries, they disappear when you apply onto your face.

I have kept this oil for skin care only and not for makeup. I have combo skin and last thing I want is a dewy look. Nothing lasts well on me, no need to create more problems.

This product is gel-like. I hate anything that is too watery so it is great. A small drop will do your face well, despite it says 2 drops. It is slightly oily but will absorb into your skin after 10 minutes. I tend to use it after shower, and I would have between getting changed and using a hair-dryer for it to work into my skin.

A little note at this point: My skin isn't bad. My main beef is that it can get oily (t-zone) easily and I have started to have horizontal neck lines at the age of 24 and a half. I am now almost 25 (birthday is 25 May - woohoo) and problem seems to just settled and won't go away. I spend about £300 every few months on skin care products like face masks etc. I take birth control pills and the time of the month is the only time ever for a few acnes to erupt. Sometimes the scars stay for a week or two. Otherwise, nothing too major.

I gave it a go for a few days. I don't think it being an oil made my makeup crease, but that is because I do give it time to sink into my skin. But I still had not seen anything major. My skin is not horrible or covered in spots, so no pictures needed. At that point, I thought I'd test how it is in terms of anti-aging.

It is great to keep your skin hydrated, my skin does feel smooth, but that's the only benefit I have noticed, and The Ordinary Rose Hip Oil has the same effect on me for cheaper too. Note: I stopped using The Ordinary oil to test the effect of UniGlow.

Another week has gone past, nope, not as miracle as it says out to be. My skin had a few acnes as my period came. I don't think they could have prevented so, as they were hormonal. It took my acnes a few days (together with my trust Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion) to beat them, which is usual speed. A few scars, yes, but they faded in a week or two. Again, usual speed. That's until I discovered The Ordinary's AHA+BHA peeling solution in February and gosh, that thing works so much faster than this face oil and it was under a fiver!

And so onto today, 14th April. My neck lines are still visible, they haven't improved. My face doesn't feel particular bouncy. Actually, with this whole week of withdrawal, no difference than when I was using it religiously.

I give up! I think my Vichy 89 does a brilliant job in keeping my skin plumped, and a 50ml bottle (£25) did me for 4-5 months, I will stick with that, ta! I never had anything major with my skin, but my neck lines, maybe that's why! It is a shame how I have seen so many good reviews on their website and also on their Facebook page, but it didn't work for me. Though in their defence, some ladies are acne-prone and I am lucky enough to have no issue, and some ladies are slightly older, and I fall into this boring age group.

Overall, not so impressed. Maybe it's me. Maybe it is a miracle worker for problematic skin only? Maybe I will have to stop using it for a few more weeks to notice whether it worked? But if I don't feel like it is working for me as I am using it, what is the point...

I know they have this refund policy in place for within 7 days, but I honestly waited a few weeks cause I believe sometimes it could take a bit of time to tackle problem... I wish their policy was for 2 weeks or so. It always hurts me to write a bad review and I feel sorry for Jolie, but it is what it is I am afraid. Oh well, just another product I won't be repurchasing. Have you tried it? Were you lucky to have it worked? Let me know in the comments below!

Speak soon,

Cinmi xoxo


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