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Pretty Peaceful - CBD oil for sleep + anxiety - Review

Updated: Mar 20, 2021

Let’s be real, 2020 was crap and 2021 is like a sequel so far. My daily routine the past 11 months has been - wake up, WFH, eat, occasional jogs, bathe and sleep. It’s also been quite overwhelming with the fact that my husband was deployed for many months in the midst of the lockdown! And my mum, who lives in Asia, had to cancel her trip over to see me - I haven’t seen her since September 2017... I had (and still have) lots on my mind and simply could not sleep well. 😔

Luckily Our Remedy gifted me a bottle of their Pretty Peaceful to try out -

Flatlay of Our Remedy Pretty Peaceful Oil, taken by Cinmi.

About Pretty Peaceful

This CBD oil is available in 500mg and 1000mg - 10ml bottle.

Mixing CBD with geranium, lavender and sweet orange, it was designed to help reduce anxiety and soothe sleep issue. The sweet orange gives the oil a lovely flavour Too.

It is cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. 🌱

Don’t worry, the oil contains no THC, the chemical that will get you high - or else it would not be legal and I definitely wouldn’t be writing about it! 👌

P.S. Discount below!

My experience + thoughts

I was kindly gifted a bottle of 500mg to try out.

I had previously tried CBD oil from Our Remedy before so I knew there would not be any reactions to the oil - do try and use minimal dosage if you’re a first timer. 💁🏼

Night 1 - I add half a pipette to my camomile tea on the first night at around 10pm. Perhaps it was too close to bedtime (and that I had taken a long break from CBD) I couldn‘t tell. I thought it tasted okay, but then I am not a bit fan of camomile!

Night 2 - However, the second night onwards are where the money is at!

If you know me, you’ll know I drink tea like there’s no tomorrow. I added the same dosage to my 9pm cuppa and after a while, I felt a bit more carefree and relaxed. It’s hard to put into words but it just worked! The night wasn’t much of a tossing and turning either. I fell asleep quite quickly, I think.

This time I tried with my night time Pukka tea, which I wasn’t too keen on to begin with. The oil didn’t really help save its flavour - honestly don’t buy that tea, nothing helps with it!

Night 3 -The third night, I could really tell the oil is now in my system. Again, same dosage and same time.

As with the previous night, the oil did not let my anxiety get to me. I was relaxed and ready for bed.

But what more, was that I slept through the night. I usually got up twice to use the toilet (I REALLY drink lots of tea). What brilliant sleep it was, till my husband’s ungodly alarm went off in the morning.

This time I really found the perfect match, by the way. Offblak strawberry tea went perfectly with the oil!

Flatlay of Our Remedy Pretty Peaceful Oil and a cup of tea, taken by Cinmi.

So from my experience, I feel that it may not happen the first night you have it, and at least try not to have it right before bedtime! Give it half an hour for the oil to enter your system.

Once your body gets used to it, it will start working like a charm! I am still having it every night as I truely love it.

Flavour-wise, this is really personal. I like it. Though as with all foods and drinks, you just need to find a type of hot drink you like to mix with - or just have the oil on its own!

I had previously tried Our Remedy before so I know if you have a full pipette one a day will last you around 28 days. At £32/10ml (500mg), I think it will last around 2 months, which is good value for its price tag.

Other must-have

Pretty Peaceful is the new kid in the block. Want something for other period-related issues, such as hormone imbalance, mood swings, cramps? Read my review on the OG Mood Swings Oil to tackle those women issues here. You can also add £5 for a gift box filled with goodies to treat yourself, or it makes the perfect TLC gift for your loved ones!

*Gifted - views 100% my own, as always


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